Monday 20 May 2013

The first 6 weeks

In the aftermath of the hospital stay I did literally nothing but stay in bed chilling out with K. Daddy did all the housework, cooking and chores that were needed whilst I was being a full time 24/7 mum resting my body, getting my blood pressure down and sleeping when I could.

Everyone hears the words "sleep when baby sleeps" of course, easier said than done. I am one of those people who once awake has trouble getting back to sleep and daytime sleeping is something I have never been any good at.

I have to honestly say that week or so after leaving the hospital is still a blur to me. The first two weeks are so involved in a routine of feed, burp, change, put baby down for a sleep and try to sleep yourself that there is little room for anything else. We were basically muddling along as best we could! I had no clue what I was doing!

Let's not forget I was also recovering from surgery and had the blood pressure stuff going on.

There was lots of lovely cuddles with my perfect little K, we had visitors in to meet her bearing gift! I was shocked by the generosity!

However, there was stuff I would have done differently:

1) moved a tv into the bedroom to watch stuff.
2) read a book when I wasnt sleeping/watching tv.
3) replied my messages on facebook.
4) taken more photos.
5) worried less about the recovery and just enjoyed each day.
6) Set about a routine a bit more.

Let's just say I was thankful that grandma was coming to stay... as that was when I started "waking up" from the whole experiences lol!

When K was less than 2 weeks old my mum (her grandma) came out to stay for 3 weeks.

I have to say that my mum was absolutely fantastic and I am so glad she was able to spend some time with K while she was so tiny giving her lots of cuddles and love!

During the time my mum was with us there was of course the many doctor visits we needed to attend but there was also a lot of fun stuff too!

My mum was able to help me get into a routine and out and about to malls and to stores which I hadnt managed in the first week and a half of K being in the world.

Whilst my mum was with us we had a photoshoot of Kayla at one month old- when we had the one at 3 days at the hospital they had advised that we would also be entitled to one at 1 month so of course we took it up. K was such a poser throughout the whole shoot bless her!

I was able to introduce my mum to a lot of my friends which was great too.

Hubby/Mrk/daddy was off for a further week after that which was lucky really as I was still quite sore from the C section. Not that we did a lot in that week other than getting passport photos for K and applying for both her passports. Little dual citizen that she is!

Also in that week while he was off I had more doctor appointments and went to two breastfeeding support groups, one of which was at the yoga studio which I had been to with A and K (not my K but a friend K) they were both at the group as were H and her friend J.

I learnt from the other breastfeeding group that the first 6 weeks are generally a time where the mother (and baby) dont really leave the house as it is the settling in period/babymoon but I had successfully got out and about during that time and had managed to get out with K to both support groups in one day without any assistance.

The first 6 weeks are the hardest. Well, so far anyway....

After all I was a new mum, I had gone from being a pregnant lady who could do whatever (with limits) on a whim to a mum who's little lady came first and of course there is always an adjustment period with anything new!

I know I am too hard on myself at times and that I am actually a good mum. Whilst those 6 weeks were fantastic they were hard and I am glad to say we have moved on and K is getting to be even more amazing every single day... and I am getting better at this mum thing too!

1 comment:

  1. First six weeks were tough! I find memories of it a blur too xx
