Wednesday 29 May 2013

Wonder weeks/4 month sleep regression/growth spurts/teething

So I discovered Wonder weeks when I got my Iphone. Before Wonder weeks I was muddling along. I didnt really know what activities/toys to give to K or what I should be looking out for developmental wise. Now that I know about it I feel so much more confident. I actually ended up getting the book a few days after I discovered the app.

Wonder weeks for those not in the know are the developmental leaps which a baby goes through. They are at certain times and are based on the due date (as I had many different due dates given to me I have based it on 7th January which was the one the doctor here in USA gave me) not on the date your baby was born.

Wonder weeks occur at the following times:

4 and  a half- 5 and a half weeks (changing sensations)
7 and a half weeks- 9 and a half weeks (Patterns)
11 and a half weeks- 12 and a half weeks (smooth transitions)
14 and a half weeks- 19 and a half weeks (events)
22 and a half weeks- 26 and a half weeks (relationships)
33 and a half weeks- 37 and a half weeks (categories)
41 and a half weeks- 46 and a half weeks (sequences)
50 and a half weeks- 54 and a half weeks (programs)
59 and a half weeks- 64 and a half weeks (principles)
70 and a half weeks- 76 and a half weeks (systems)
When I discovered the app K was currently going through the "Smooth Transitions" leap. We have recently been going through the "Events" leap and while in the UK we will be going through the "relationships" leap! Basically from 3 months through 6 months there is constant development hence the exhaustion you feel the whole time!

The wonder weeks app and more so the book are amazing. It tells you what the signs of a leap are, what developments you will see after and during the leap and also games/toys to play with to help aid the development.

As we have been going through the events leap let me go into that one in more detail.

Signs of the leap:
She may have more trouble sleeping, ie harder to settle, wake for more feedings (YES we have had this... but this is also to do with the "4 month sleep regressions" and also likely to be growth spurt related).
She may become shy with strangers, want mum more often than daddy (YES, she has been with dad and has been wanting me, she wont let dad put her down at night to sleep and when she is being held by someone else she is constantly looking for me. If I walk away when someone else is holding her she cries!)
She may demand more attention (YES, she has started COUGHING for attention and wants me to play with her more often!)
Her head may need more support again (YEP)
She may always want to be with you (yep, see above!)
She may lose her appetite (NOPE!)
She may be moody (NOPE!)
She may be listless ie make less noises (YEP!)

How the leap may affect me:
You may be exhausted (yep... waking every 2 and a half-3 hours would make me tired as would the whole moving though...)
You may feel resentful (nope)
You may feel trapped (nope)

Skills from this leap:

Body control
Starts moving every part of their body as soon as they are put on floor (yup!)
rolls over from  back to tummy (not yet... but has rolled to side)
rolls from tummy onto back (yep, but not interested in doing this now she has done it a few times)
is able to fully stretch arms when lying on tummy (yup)
lifts bottom and attempt to push off, doesnt succeed (yup)
raises themselves onto hands and feet when on tummy and attempts to move forward, doesnt succeed (yup)
Attempts to crawl, manages to slide forwards or backwards (yes and sideways... she has turned 180 degrees!)
support self with forearms and raises upper half of body (yes)
Sits up straight when leaning against you (yes!)
attempts to sit up straight on their own and succeeds briefly by leaning on forearms and bringing head forward (yep)
remains upright when supported with cushions (yep)
enjoys moving mouth- puckers lips and sticks tongue out (yep)

grabbing, touching and feeling
succeeds in grabbing objects (yep)
grabs things with either hand (yep)
is able to grab an object with either hand if it comes into contact with the object (yep)
is able to pass objects between hands (yep)
sticks your hand in their mouth (yep)
touches or sticks their hands in your mouth as you talk (yep)
sticks objects in their mouth to feel and bite them (yep)
is able to pull a cloth from face by themselves (yep)
recognises a toy or other familiar object even if it is partially hidden (yep)
tries shaking a plaything (yep!)
tries banging a plaything on a table top (not tried this but she has banged stuff on the floor)
deliberately throws a plaything on the floor (yep... countless times)
tries grabbing things just out of reach (yep)
tries to play with an activity centre (yep!)
understands the purpose of a particular toy (yep!)
studies objects closely (yep!)

stares in fascination at repetitive activities such as brushing hair or teeth (yep!)
stares in fascination at the movement of your lips and tongue when you are talking (yep)
searches for you and is able to turn around to do this (yep)
looks for a plaything that is partially hidden (yep)
reacts to own reflection in mirror (yep)
holds a book in hands and stares at pictures (yep)

listens intently to sounds coming from your lips (yep)
responds to own name (yep)
is now able to distinguish one particular sound in a medley of sounds, so responds to name even if there are background noises (yep)
genuinely understands one or more words (yep)
will respond appropriately to an approving or scolding voice (yep)
recognises the opening bars of a song (yep)

makes new sounds using lips and tongue (yep)
uses consonants d b l m (kinda...)
babbles and utters first words (dada, momom, abba, hadahada, baba, tata) (babbles yes and has said ah boo which sounds like love you which has now become Wove u, then we have had mumumum and mamama and also had oop and what sounds a lot like hello)
makes noises when yawning and is aware of noises (yep)
Body language
stretches arms out to be picked up (yep)
smacks lips when hungry and waves arms and legs (yep)
opens mouth and moves towards food (yep)
spits when had enough  to eat(nope...)
pushes away breast when had enough (yep)
turns away when full (yup)

Other skills
may exaggerate action for example coughing (yep)
gets grumpy when impatient (yep)
screams when failing to do a task (yep)
has one special cuddly toy (5 actually- Minnie Mouse comforter, Zebra comforter, Lamaze giraffe from grandma, mouse from other grandma and the green cat...)

I wont go through all of the games to play in a lot of detail but they do say to look at pictures (this one I need to get better at), sing songs (we do this a lot) talk (we also do this a lot), ticking game (yep) peek a boo (she isnt interested in this) and mirror play (which she loves).

The toys they say are useful for this leap are:
Bath toys (we havent worked out how to incorporate them in the bath yet... help please!)
activity centre (yep)
ball (yep)
plastic rattles (yep)
screw top container containing rice (erm no... I dont think this one seems safe)
crackly paper (yep)
Mirror (yep)
photograps/pics of other babies (I show her pics of her and some of her friends on facebook!)
photographs of animals (I use an Iphone app)
cd with children's songs (yep)
wheels that really turn (yep, ferris wheel toy!)

What I love about Wonder weeks is that you can read to see what is coming up and the small developments you might have missed otherwise you actually notice more because you are looking out for them rather than just missing them happening. Looking ahead she has already started mastering some of the skills from the next leap. Also it means I can start finding the toys I need for the next leap!

So as I mentioned K had started waking more often for feeds.... there is something known as the 4 month sleep regression which it could be but I also think it is related to a growth spurt and also the additional calories which are needed to develop new skills plus she is way more active.

However, this has now gone back to one feed a night but short naps during the day! Its all good fun :)

K I think may have been teething since 3 months though no teeth yet.... I have a feeling it could be a while before those teeth make an entrance!

Think this entry is loooooooong enough..


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